Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Statler Orthodontics/Working together with HealthSource Chiropractic Treating TMJD/Jaw Pain

Dr. Jennifer Statler is proud to be associated with, and work with Dr. Lee Smith and Dr. Noah Riegel of 

Health Source
Chiropractic, Progressive Rehab and Wellness

Health Source is committed to providing their/our patients lasting relief from a variety of health disorders. One of the many ailments they treat on a regular basis at their Boca Raton location is TMJD better known as jaw pain. They are passionate in this field, providing new innovative ways to treat jaw pain, surpassing the traditional surgical treatment route. If you are a candidate for this type of treatment, Dr. Statler will recommend you see them for an initial consultation and evaluation. 

Many studies have shown the efficacy of co-managing the treatment of TMJD with both Chiropractic and oral care.

  • *  The Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy found that the position of the jaw, head, and neck are intricately linked. Acute symptoms experienced during the initial dental treatment phase were caused by the inability of the head and neck to adapt to maxillary and mandibular changes. Chiropractic treatments  enabled the body to respond positively to the dental changes. As the mandibular position improved, further improvements were indicated by physical testing and x-rays.

  • *  The American Association for Dental Research (AADR) recommends that a diagnosis of TMJD receive a clinical examination of the head and neck.

  • *  The Journal of Applied Oral Science states the cervical spine disorders are perpetuating factors for TMJD.

  • *  The Journal of Oral Rehabilitation recommends examination of the cervical spine even without cervical complaints. These findings were supported by Cranio and Clinical Oral Investigation as well.

If you have any questions or concerns about your jaw pain or discomfort, please contact Dr. Jennifer Statler at (561) 368-3688 or go to our website at for more information.

To contact Health Source directly for any Chiropractic needs, call (561) 479-2880 or email Dr. Lee @